Hearing Aids: A Smart Solution

Today, more than ever, the best solution for many individuals with hearing loss is hearing aids. Like all high-tech devices, hearing aids have improved significantly over the past several years in terms of performance and appearance. This includes “invisible”...

Talking With a Family Member About Hearing Loss

It’s difficult to discuss hearing loss with family. How to help those you care about get the help they need. Hearing loss doesn’t just affect the person who has it. It also affects spouses, family members and friends. From frustration with having to repeat...

Your Brain and Hearing: Your Own Dynamic Duo

When you think of great partnerships, what comes to mind? Abbott and Costello? Sonny and Cher? Batman and Robin? How about your brain and hearing? While their functions are distinctly different, your hearing health depends on how well your brain and ears work...

Is Hearing Loss Hereditary?

Hearing loss can be inherited from one or both parents who may or may not experience hearing loss themselves. Estimates predict that nearly half of those with hearing loss have inherited it genetically. Genetic hearing loss can be present at birth or can show up later...

Protect Your Hearing From Noise

Hearing loss is a gradual and normal part of the aging process. However, excessive noise is still the primary cause. Permanent hearing loss can occur almost instantly with unprotected exposure to certain sounds. The consequences of this damage are high-frequency...

Your Journey to Better Hearing

Like most journeys, the journey to better hearing usually begins with the desire to accomplish a goal. In this case, the goal is to finally do something about your hearing loss and stop letting it impact your quality of life. We say “finally” because unlike eyesight,...